The 5 Steps to RADical Success

I have been reaching out to successful people I admire and asking them to share a few of their secrets for years.  I have read countless blog posts and interviews from people sharing how they achieved their most tremendous success.  There are many variations and twists in the story, but they all take five significant steps.

Take these steps to achieve your RADical success.

  1. Identify your purpose.  The exciting thing about purpose is you don’t realize how important it is until you find it.
  2. Identify, create or follow a system. Successful people use a series of systems in their lives to get consistent results with minimal effort.
  3. Practice affirmations, visualize, and mindfulness. Do you practice affirmations and visualization? Every highly successful person I have ever interviewed has mentioned some form of affirmations.
  4. Find and express your passion.  Do you love what you do?  Passion is a RADical success secret.  Without it, the path is just too hard.  It’s like eating with no spice.  It fills the hunger but doesn’t leave us satisfied.
  5. Focus more on service than yourself.  Focus on delivering your product, creating your art, serving your community, and doing it well. Do what is best for others, and the fruits will always be yours.

Take these five steps and create RADical success in your life and business.

RADical Action of the Week

Take 15 minutes and write out some affirmations—simple, positive statements about what you want to achieve in the present tense.  For example, I am a money magnet vibrating at a high frequency.  If you already have affirmations, take a moment to revisit them and update them.  At least once a day, repeat them to yourself.

Need more help?  Please take one of our workshops.
