“I can accept failure.  Everyone fails at something.  But, I can’t accept not trying.” Michael Jordan, NBA Legend.

Is fear of failure holding you back from having great successes?  Many of the greatest success stories have had many failures.  Thomas Edison tried over 1000 times to create the light bulb, Tony Robbins lived in his car at one point, and there are many more examples.  Oprah Winfrey was fired from her first TV job and told she was unfit for TV news.  You can only achieve greatness by getting out there and trying.

The greater risk is in missing opportunities because you were afraid you might fail.  If you try, you might succeed.  If you fail, you will learn what not to do next time.  It is a Win-Win every time you swallow your fear and try it anyway.

What is one thing you would do in your business that you are not doing now that you would do if you knew you could not fail?

Why not get out there and try it today?

What do you really have to lose by not trying it?

Good luck!
