Create Supporting Habits: Your Roadmap to RADical Success

The saying goes, “You are what you repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.” Although its attribution to Aristotle is contested, the essence of the philosophy remains spot-on for anyone pursuing success—be it in business or life.

Habits: The Silent Architects of Your Future

So let’s cut to the chase: Are your habits your stepping stones or stumbling blocks? Here at RAD Strategic Partners, we advocate for proactive habit-forming that serves as the cornerstone of your RADical success. Because let’s face it—habits form whether you’re aware of them or not. Some shoot you forward like a SpaceX rocket, while others keep you orbiting in the same old space.

Evaluating Habits: Four Questions for Success

It’s like taking a GPS snapshot of your life. Ask yourself these four questions:

  1. What activities should I do LESS of?
  2. What must I STOP doing altogether?
  3. What should I do MORE of?
  4. What am I NOT doing that I should start?

These four questions are more than mere queries; they’re your compass to effective habit formation. With honest answers, you pave your highway to RADical success. The key is to incorporate good habits into your daily routine deliberately. Planning your day, seizing opportunities, monitoring cash flow, or eating healthily—each contributes to your well-being and success in a significant way.

Beware: The Habitual Time-Wasters

Conversely, we all have those sneaky habits that nibble at our productivity. Continuous email checking, doom scrolling, or watching the latest series on Netflix are often not the recreational breaks we think they are. Instead, they’re habits that add zero to the bottom line of life’s balance sheet.

In one of his blog posts, Seth Godin advocated for replacing such time-wasting activities with more mindful tasks. Instead of scrolling through social media during your break, how about scanning those pending files that need digitization? Or better yet, replace scrolling with a quick meditation session or a brisk walk.

The Science of Habit Formation

Charles Duhigg, in his book “The Power of Habit,” lays out the cue-response-reward system that fundamentally drives our habitual behaviors. He suggests replacing ingrained responses with conscious habits that align with our objectives. Essentially, you’re upgrading your routine OS to optimize rewards.

The 30-Day commitment

Let’s get practical. One way to embed a new habit is the 30-day challenge. Want to get fit? Hit the gym for 30 consecutive days. Want to expand your intellect? Dedicate time to read every day for a month. Thirty days can transform an act into a habit; when aligned with your goals, habits become your stepping stones to success.

Conclusion: Your Habits, Your Success

In the grand scheme of RADical success, it’s not the grand gestures but the small, repeated actions that count. Your habits are essentially your silent partners in this journey. Treat them well, choose them wisely, and watch how they transform your life and business.

So, what habit will you commit to for the next 30 days? Remember, every day is a new opportunity to make a RADical change. Choose your habits wisely; they’re the architects of your future success.

Your Next Step: Time for Action

So, you’re all fueled up with insights and ready to morph your habits into your personal success team. But what’s the immediate action plan? We’ve got you covered.

Action Item: Grab a notepad and divide it into four sections, each corresponding to one of the four crucial questions we discussed. List your answers. Done? Pick one habit from each section that you will focus on for the next week.

Why this exercise? As we’re fond of saying at RAD Strategic Partners, identifying your habits is the first step toward molding them into pillars of your RADical success. You’re not just collecting insights here; you’re laying down the concrete for your pathway to success.

Remember, the magic happens outside of the comfort zone. Happy habit-forming!