Set One Goal For Dramatic Results

What is the one goal that, when you achieve it, will make a huge impact and take your business and life to the next level?  Is it something you have been reluctant to set as a goal? Or something that seems too big or too scary? Why not make that goal a priority? When we put our sites on a real breakthrough goal, we push ourselves up the ladder of success.

A breakthrough goal takes us to a new place and causes us to become a new person. To be more, achieve more, impact more, live more, build more, and create more, we must become more. To make a change, we must change, and change is uncomfortable. When we set our breakthrough goal into motion, we become our future selves. Examples are goals such as starting, selling, or franchising a business, launching a new career, moving to a foreign country, or starting a family. What dream can we set for ourselves to guide our future?

What is your current breakthrough goal? Ours is to build a retreat center and move to Todos Santos, Mexico. We have become many things since embarking on that goal. Landowners, poor speakers of Spanish, metric competent, trustees, and more. What will you have to become to achieve your breakthrough goal?

How do you make that goal happen?

  1. Set the goal and share it with others.
  2. Assess where we are today and what needs to change
  3. Commit to regular action toward making the changes.

When we challenge ourselves to achieve something we never have before and then commit to doing whatever it takes to make it happen, magic happens. It will not be easy and will not happen overnight, but the rewards are tremendous. Let’s set a breakthrough goal today.
