Embrace Uniqueness to Unlock Your Potential

What makes you unique?

In our world, there is pressure to both fit in and feel special. This dynamic creates conflict for us. If we fit in with everyone else, what makes us unique? How will we blend into the crowd if we shine a light on our unique talents, abilities, and interests? Some are more comfortable shining a little more brightly. You can spot them immediately in a group. They dress to stand out rather than blend in. But few among us are that open. Embracing one’s uniqueness and being willing to shine as brightly as possible is one step to RADical success.

Learning to embrace what makes us unique and having the courage to display it for the world to see tends to increase our level of success dramatically. The same is true whether we are running a business or working within one. Our unique talents are the secret to success.

"In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different," Coco Chanel
Stand Out From the Crowd

The businesses you love doing business with are likely the ones who embrace and lead with what makes them unique. To shine as a business, you must be more than competent and stand out from the crowd. Excellent service, expert opinions, and value have become meaningless marketing terms that don’t grab attention. We love the businesses that guarantee overnight delivery, make people happy, and create simple, beautiful phones.

The employees who get promoted most quickly, to the highest levels, are not those who did their jobs well and blended into the background. They brought some unique talent, approach, or attitude to the position and received recognition. The secret to getting the job, promotion, or opportunity you want is to lead with your uniqueness while following the required rules of the position.

Understanding the rules to which we must conform and how to shine within the social construct is the balancing act that true achievers manage well. Some flaunt all conventions, like the fashion designer who wears only jeans and black t-shirts or the tech CEO who openly discusses the chemical rush brought on by his eating disorder. Still, most high achievers walk the balance of societal norms while shining brightly in their unique arena. 

Here are a few simple ways to shine brightly enough not to scare ourselves away:

  • Understand the loose and tight rules of the company, group, or association we want to attract, join, or impress. We cannot break tight rules without consequence, and we must conform if we want to be accepted or even allowed in the door. Companies, clubs, and events that state dress codes mean them, and participants must follow the rules. If we step out of bounds in most sporting events, we are out, no questions asked. If we don’t pay the mortgage, someone will come to take the house sooner or later. Loose rules are closer to guidelines. They exist but are open to different interpretations and can be bent without ostracizing the room. The corporate dress code has many variations. While we can’t step out of bounds, there are unlimited ways to get the ball down the field and many ways to make enough money to pay the mortgage.
  • Know our strengths, talents, interests, and abilities. In our business, career, and life, it pays to take the time to understand our strengths, talents, and gifts and use those to our unique advantage. Lead with them. Follow our interests and develop the skill and abilities to enjoy them thoroughly. 
  • Use all our assets. Whatever we have that sets us apart, embrace it, be proud of it and use it to our advantage. Wherever we shine best, shine fully. Use it whether we are intelligent, sexy, attractive, energetic, robust, focused, intent, or any other adjective that describes us. These are our gifts. Use them.
  • Be willing to stand out. There are many definitions of success, but the one I like best says success is the maximum utilization of our gifts and talents to live a life of intention, joy, and impact. When we pursue this version of success, we will stand out.

If we want a better business, job, and life, we have to be willing to stand out from the rest and pursue our goals and dreams regardless of where others stand.

No matter what makes us unique, there are benefits. Here’s a great article where real people list the advantages of their differences.

To achieve RADical success, we pursue our goals and dreams with passion and commitment, using our gifts, talents, and interests to create a journey that is uniquely ours. When we follow this path, we make our most significant impact.
